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Transitional Ministry

Who needs it?

There are many reasons why churches could use our help.  See how many applies to your church:


  1. Has your church been in decline over the past 10 years?
  2. Is your church only reaching a certain age group?
  3. Does your Pastor/leadership feel like they are spinning their wheels?
  4. The pastor is leaving after a lengthy tenure (7+ years)?
  5. Does the church change Pastor/staff every 2-3 years?
  6. Does the Congregation have a general distrust of leadership?
  7. Has the pastor/staff been asked to leave due to conflict or moral failure?
  8. The pastor/church’s leaders do not agree on the church’s mission.
  9. Do you have ministries that have existed for more than 5 years without evaluation?
  10. Does your congregation differ from the community around it?
  11. The church has not updated its bylaws in the last 8 years.
  12. Does the church faces significant financial challenges?

What we can do.

There are several ways our ministry can assist your church:

  1. Evaluation. Most churches fail to evaluate their ministries. Ministries continue for years even after they are no longer effective for the Kingdom of God. Churches become introspective only ministering to believers.
  2. Grief. Losing a Shepherd can be difficult. Many churches fail to go through a grieving process. Even when a church loses a Pastor because of moral failure the church needs to heal.
  3. Tough Decisions. Unfortunately Pastors and church leaders can find it difficult to make tough decisions because of emotional and political ties in the church.   Transitional Ministry can help lead the church to make tough decisions that are often difficult to make.
  4. Mission and Vision. Many churches have over time, lost sight of their mission and vision.  A church without vision does not have the capability to find the right pastor.  During the Transitional Ministry the church will be lead to unite around the Vision and Mission.
  5. Pastor Search.   The Pastor Search process can be sticky at times.  From doctrinal issues to background checks there are many factors that need to be considered.  Many Pastor Search Teams are unprepared for the task.


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